Terms & Conditions

Winner’s Choice Lottery #86

Kids with Cancer Foundation (Australia) Limited

ABN: 99 095 779 114  ACN: 095 779 114

Terms & Conditions Winner’s Choice Lottery #86
• Closing Sunday 13th April, 2025 drawn at 1.00pm Thursday
17th April, 2025 at the office of Kids with Cancer Foundation, ‘Mitchell Park’,
22/22 Hudson Ave Castle Hill NSW, public welcome. Results will be
published on the Kids with Cancer Foundation website
(www.kidswithcancer.org.au) on Thursday 17th April, 2025. All winners will
be notified by registered mail. 900,000 tickets printed.
• Ticket value and prize value is in Australian dollars (AUD)
• 1st prize is a ‘Winner’s Choice’ valued at $80,000 retail of any
motor vehicle or vehicles, or a combination of vehicle & boat, bike, caravan
etc. or holiday, or Gold Bullion.
• The winner of the first prize, if they are a multi ticket buyer of
3, 5, 10, or 25 consecutive tickets will also receive a single bonus between
$2,000-$10,000 i.e.:
o 3 tickets $6 – Retail shopping vouchers, $2,000.
o 5 tickets $10 – Retail shopping vouchers, $4,000.
o 10 tickets $20 – Holiday or retail shopping vouchers of your
choice, value $6,000
o 25 tickets $50 – Holiday of your choice, or a shopping spree,
in one store of your choice, to a value of $10,000
o Only one bonus applies to a maximum of $10,000, and the
winner’s bonus does not apply to 2nd – 10TH prize winners.
o * If winners of Prizes 1 – 10 are an auto credit card supporter
(i.e. an amount is debited each lottery) they are eligible for a $300 Harvey
Norman Gift Card
Maximum Prize Pool is $99,800.00 if all possibilities of multi ticket purchases
win prizes.
• Prizes are not redeemable for cash.
• Up to $30,000 can be given as cash to form part of the
winner’s $80,000. Due to Victoria regulations, a cash portion cannot be
given as prize.
• The Foundation will purchase all prizes and reserves the right
to purchase prizes from Australian dealers of its choice.
• Only Australian residents may enter the lottery. Prizes will
only be delivered to Australian addresses.
• Winners in remote areas may need to collect their prize from
the nearest supplier, in their State or Territory.
• If the winner of prizes 2-10 is under the age of 18 and in the
ACT (or if it’s an offence in any State or Territory) the prize will be awarded
to the parent or guardian.
• All winners will be notified by registered mail.
• 900,000 tickets available.

• There will be a redraw if any winner cannot be contacted, or
doesn’t respond to registered Mail, after 30 days from the date of the draw
at the office of Kids with Cancer Foundation, ‘Mitchell Park’, 22/22 Hudson
Ave Castle Hill NSW, by using the same method as the initial draw, being an
electronic draw that includes all entries that were in the campaign, public
• Promoter, Kids with Cancer Foundation. Todd Prees CEO,
22/22 Hudson Ave. Castle Hill NSW 2154, Mailing address, PO Box 7000
Baulkham Hills BC NSW 2153.