
Since 1998 Kids with Cancer Foundation, with your help, has been making a real difference by providing over $32million to childhood cancer services.

Australian New Zealand Children’s Cancer Study Group

The Foundation has been a major sponsor of the Australian New Zealand Children’s Cancer Study group, with $35,000 being given in donations. These donations were used over three seminars to bring overseas speakers, experts in their field, to Australia to pass on their expertise.

Malcolm Sargent Cancer Fund for Children, now trading as Redkite

Between September 2000 and June 2002, received in excess $115,000 just to pay to families funeral expenses alone.

The Children’s Cancer Institute of Australia

Between June 1999 and May 2001, they received $65,000 to cover funeral expenses for families, in addition to another $200,000 received in October 2005.

Pat Clements (Social Worker) Royal Children’s Hospital Brisbane wrote:

I would like to express my appreciation for the financial assistance Kids with Cancer Foundation provided to the ….. family.  Your assistance for this family made a significant difference as they were ale to plan….. the farewell without major financial restrictions.

At this time of great sadness, Kids with Cancer provided a ray of light that assisted the family to navigate perhaps their greatest challenge.

The University of Melbourne

Received $62,000 in 2004, to fund a research assistant to allow the ‘Victoria Pediatric Cancer Family Study’ to continue its valuable work.